Business Audits

An independent audit of financial statements is one of the foundations for the effective operation of financial markets. 

Audit quality is crucial for maintaining trust and confidence around the financial reporting process and the integrity and credibility of financial information. Audit teams with substantial technical skills and professional scepticism are the backbone of a sound audit.

We provide Audit services under the name of Murphy Ford and Associates for small to medium size enterprises. Our audit clients also include Charitable organisations of all sizes and Private Tertiary Enterprises (PTE's).

In addition to the usual Audit reports, we will report on areas where we see efficiency gains can be made, as well as any other areas where profitability can be improved.

Adding Value

Let our experience add value to your business.

Taxation services, financial planning, business advisory services, IT management services, corporate finance are integral parts of the business services package.

With our broad range of experience in many types of businesses we can assist you to be where you want to be.

  • Streamline your workflows
  • Increase your productivity
  • Less paperwork
  • Putting you in touch with the right people for your needs, business & other

It all adds up. Allowing you to do the things you really want to be doing with your time.

"It's quantity of time at home and quality of time at work that counts; don't mix them up!" -- Brian Tracy

Tax planning & Tax Return Compilation

We prepare and compile all the statutory returns required under New Zealand Tax legislation and ensure that we stay current on the many changes that occur.

Tax Planning is also an integral part of this.

With our experience we can efficiently deal with all the compliance needs of your business.

Our main aim is to reduce the cost of compliance. This is by efficiently completing the filing and ensuring that the tax is mimimised with careful and prudent planning. Failing to plan means planning to fail.

A simple plan is best but every person or business has unique requirements. Talk to us to determine yours.

I.T. - Hardware, Software and System Planning & Requirements

I.T. stands for Information Technology. Good and accurate information is as good as gold to a business.

We can help you enhance this.

Businesses rely on timely and accurate information. You need this for accurate decision making and to ensure that the business gives the maximum back at the least cost.

We can assist in looking at your current situation, evaluate your future needs and recommend improvements. This is not just a question of Hardware or Devices but the combination of hardware, software and the people who run it.

I.T. is just a tool to achieve this. You should be its' master, not its' slave.

We are not hardware or software suppliers but we know the good ones to recommend.

"[I need] Data! Data! Data! I can't make bricks without clay." - Sherlock Holmes.

General Investment Advice

We are not specialist investment advisors but provide informed advice as to your specific requirements.

Using a holistic approach, we are able to offer informed advice, aimed at minimising your taxation obligations, while at the same time maximising your investments. If you require specialist advice such as Stock market or similar we can put you in touch with the right people

Estate Planning

This the most critical item overlooked by people in business. It involves the protection and future planning of your assets and therefore the assets and financial well-being of your dependents.

It's important to plan your family and business structure early before you have a wealth accumulation and distribution problem.

Planning must take into consideration:

  1. The nature of your business. Especially the risk level
  2. The protection of your assets.
  3. The protection of your dependents and their financial needs.
  4. The tax effectiveness of any plan or structure.
  5. Your future requirements, especially on retirement. Ask yourself "When do I want to retire and what lifestyle can I afford then?"

We can help with the setup and maintenance of family trusts or companies, gifting and general estate and tax planning.

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